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Experiencing Change

For many people, one of the hardest things to deal with in life is change. Whether that may be getting rid of bad habits, moving to a new city, or trying to start fresh, it can easily take a toll on a persons physical, mental, and emotional state. I believe that everyone can get to a point in their lives where they either want change to occur, or experience it without having a choice. So the question is, how are we supposed to deal with it?

From my personal experience, the first thing I realized is that you need to stop and acknowledge that it's happening. Take a moment to tell yourself that something in your life is changing and understand that it is okay that you have no control over it. But remember what you do have control over is how it personally effects you. Remember that if you don't want to look at it negatively and if you don't want to be sad about it, at the end of the day, you have the power to change the way you look at the situation.

It is also important to acknowledge your emotions and face your feelings. It is completely normal to want to reach out to a friend or family member to talk about why you're feeling a certain way, which always helps in some way or the other. The person you reach out to will likely be able to relate to the way your feeling as everyone experiences change at some point throughout their life. It is important to remember that you are not alone in whatever you're experiencing.

I am a strong believer that embracing whatever you may be going through and looking at the positives over the negatives will be extremely beneficial. Wake up everyday and hype yourself up instead of bringing yourself down. Try and look at it as a new beginning. Change can easily be a good thing and can even give you a different perspective on life.

Finally, remember to look at the bigger picture. Change is going to occur throughout your entire life no matter what. Do not fear it, but rather use it as an opportunity for a fresh start. You may not realize it now, but something good will eventually come out of it, and the reason that it happened in the first place will become obvious.

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