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Working Together

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things."

-Mother Teresa


As a catholic, when I read this quote I took some time to reflect on it. It seamlessly connects to the the Catholic theme of Community and the Common Good, expressing how we all have a responsibility to contribute to the whole of society. The Catholic tradition proclaims that an individual is not only created sacred, but also created social. It is important to recognize this in all aspects of life.

I decided to relate this quote back to something fitness related as it goes with the theme of my blog. As touched upon in previous posts, it is important that when we set goals for ourselves we do not compare ourselves to others. This can be considered a form of "self harm" if you will, as it brings us down and does nothing good for you in the long run. It is important to understand that we are all unique people, and are not all capable of the same things. This may be hard to admit sometimes, but it is the simple truth.

When reading this quote, I realized that the first part may be true, but the second part of it is what is truly important. It may be hard to realize but we all have a duty to come together and help one another. Stop the comparisons and channel the positive attitude you need in order to help others. So, my tip to do this in the fitness aspect in your life is use a friend as motivation to reach goals and help each other to do something great collectively. Although you may not be able to do the exact same things as them as your body's are not the same, you can still help one another by sharing advice, having someone to talk to, lifting each other up, and overall having someone by your side in order to accomplish something great!

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